
New Asset Management System Training Sessions

As part of campus Organizational Excellence and Lean thinking processes, Business & Financial Services and Computing & Communications are pleased to announce the deployment of a new web-based Asset Management System (AMS) to replace the aging IBM mainframe Equipment Management System (EMS). The goal of AMS is to provide equipment custodians with a user-friendly and...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) and David Gracey (Deputy CIO, Enterprise Solutions) | | MSO Admins, SAA Announce Users List

Contracts and Grants Accounts Receivable Report

In support of UCR's ongoing Operational Excellence and Lean Thinking initiatives, the Accounting Office and Computing & Communications (C&C) are pleased to announce the availability of a Contracts and Grants Accounts Receivable Report. The goals of the report are to provide transparency on billing of sponsored contract and grant agreements, provide the status of outstanding...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) and David Gracey (Enterprise Solutions, Computing & Communications) | | MSO Admins, PIWRS Users List, SAA Announce Users List

Fiscal Closing Letter-FY2017

As another fiscal year comes to a conclusion, the campus closing schedule for this year-end has been finalized. In order to meet the UC reporting requirements and prepare for our annual financial audit, the departmental tasks described must be completed as outlined in the attached document. The fiscal year-end closing process will follow the same...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

UCPath | FOM/non-FOM system - Knowledge Transfer II Session

Thank you to everyone attending the Special UCPath/FOM UCRFS Users Group meetings last week. To continue the dialog, the UCPath/FOM team has scheduled secondary, deeper-dive, knowledge transfer session as outlined below. I encourage everyone with financial management responsibilities to attend in order to gain a better understanding the impacts of UCPath/FOM on the general ledger...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

ePay Enhancements Deployed

Computing & Communication and Business & Financial Services are pleased to announce the following ePay enhancements were deployed today, March 27th. To ensure consistency with campus guidelines, attachments are no longer be required for ePay requests involving meals when the total ePay request is less than $75. ePay Transactors have the ability to “recall” ePay...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) and David Gracey (Enterprise Solutions, Computing & Communications) | | MSO Admins, ePay Transactors Users List

Sales Tax Rate Changes Effective 4/1/17

With the approval of the City of Riverside's Measure Z in November 2016, new sales tax rates go into effect on April 1, 2017. The new tax rates will impact department procurement transactions and department sale of goods/merchandise. On April 1, 2017, sales tax rate in the City of Riverside will increase by 1% from...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, eBuy Transactors User List

Updates to the Time & Attendance Reporting System

In preparation for UCPath, there will be a series of changes made to the TARS environment over the coming months. The Accounting Office and Computing & Communications are pleased to announce the following enhancements to help facilitate the DTAAs' review of timesheets. DTAA Summary Grid Changes Grid has been expanded to display hours worked and...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) and David Gracey (Enterprise Solutions, Computing & Communications) | | MSO Admins, TARS Users List

Special UCRFS User Group Meetings-UCPath Presentation

The next UCRFS User Group meeting is devoted to a special discussion on UCPath* and the Future Operating Model (FOM). The FOM|UCPath team will present information on the campus FOM processes that will be implemented with UCPath. To accommodate schedules and maximize the dissemination of information, the same presentation will be provided on the following...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

Notice of New Law Prohibiting State Funding of Travel to Certain States

Please see the attached notice from Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Nathan Brostrom regarding the new state law prohibiting state-funded travel to states with discriminatory laws as identified by the California Attorney General (CAG) office. Included in the notice is a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Please note CAG has not yet posted...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, Travel Coordinators User List

Sales Tax Rate Changes

With the expiration of Proposition 30 and the approval of Measure Z, several sales tax rate changes will occur over the next few months impacting department procurement transactions and the sale of goods/merchandise. On January 1, 2017, the .25% sales tax rate increase associated with 2012’s Proposition 30 will expire. In Riverside County, the sales/use...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, eBuy Transactors User List

UC's 2017 Mileage Reimbursement Rate Changes

Please see attached letter from UC Office of the President announcing a decrease in the 2017 mileage reimburse rates associated with personal automobiles used for business travel or relocation. The rates are effective for expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2017. Please direct questions to Attachments: 2017 Mileage Reimbursement Letter
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, Travel Coordinators User List

Director of Procurement, Business Contracts, Accounts Payable and Travel

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ellery Triche as the Director of Procurement, Business Contracts, Accounts Payable and Travel in the division of Business & Financial Services. Ellery joins UCR after a nation-wide search and extensive interview process involving campus organizational units as well as Office of the President. Ellery brings progressively responsible...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Announcement on Changes to Student Fee Revenue Accounts

In an effort to improve transparency, Office of the President established new reporting standards that require modifications to UCRFS account code structure. These changes will be implemented throughout Fiscal Year 2017. The first set of changes involve the establishment of new revenue accounts in the student fee area. A listing of new revenue accounts is...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) and Matt Hull (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Planning & Analysis) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

Taxable Situations for 2016 W2 Reporting-Action Required

Over the last few years the University of California has been subjected to various audits concerning compensation. Several taxable situations were not properly reported on employee W2 forms as the Accounting Office was not aware of certain (mostly exceptional) taxable benefits being provided to employees. In an effort to avoid future W2 reporting errors, your...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Travel Standardized Documentation-Foreign M&I Per Diem Clarification

In December 2015, the campus announced a campus-wide standard approach to documenting lower value items related to travel, business meetings and entertainment required to promote administrative efficiencies and consistency across departments. At the request of Vice Provost Kalu, additional clarification is being provided on documentation requirements for meals & incidentals (M&I) while traveling to foreign...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, Travel Coordinators User List

Fiscal Closing Letter - FY2016

As another fiscal year comes to a conclusion, the campus closing schedule for this year-end has been finalized. In order to meet the UC reporting requirements and prepare for our annual financial audit, the departmental tasks described must be completed as outlined in the attached document. The fiscal year-end closing process will follow the same...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

CY 16 Business Mileage Letter from the CFO

Please see attached letter from UC Office of the President announcing a decrease in the 2016 mileage reimburse rates associated with personal automobiles used for business travel or relocation. The rates are effective for expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2016. Please direct questions to Attachments: CY 16 Business Mileage Letter CFO Office
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Increased Meal Rates for Business Travel & Entertainment Letter

UC recently increased the maximum per person amounts for reimbursement of travel and business meeting/entertainment meal expenses. The revised rates are effective for expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2016. The attached letter from Nathan Brostrom, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, outlines the revised maximum per person travel and business meeting/entertainment meal...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Announcing HigherOne's CASHNet as UCR Campus Gateway

As part of the Banner Student Information System implementation, the campus chose HigherOne’s CASHNet for student account self-service. In addition to the student functionality, and to promote organizational excellence, UCR licensed CASHNet’s eMarkets module; eMarkets will provide the campus with new web store (eCommerce) functionality for rapid deployment and minimal IT development costs. The following...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Travel and Business Meeting & Entertainment Standardized Documentation

In support of UCR’s ongoing Operational Excellence and Lean Thinking initiatives, a campus-wide standard approach to documenting lower value items related to travel, business meetings and entertainment is required to promote administrative efficiencies and consistency across departments. With the support of the Provost/EVC D’Anieri, Vice Chancellor Coley, Vice Chancellor Anguiano and after consulting with organizational...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, Travel Coordinators User List, ePay Transactors Users List