
Payroll Expense Transfers and Expense Account 503988

With the implementation of the bi-weekly payroll cycle, a bug was introduced in the Transfer of Expense table causing the expense account to be overridden with account code ‘503988’, a special account used to identify the gross bi-weekly accrual amounts. This bug manifests itself when single payroll expense transfers are initiated in PPS. Many PPS...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Paper Time Reports

As part of our continued effort to improve sustainability and efficiencies, beginning November 2013, paper time records will no longer be printed and distributed to campus departments for exempt staff employees paid on the monthly payroll cycle. As you may be aware, paper time reports were eliminated for non-exempt employees in January 2013 with the...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Third Party Merchant Services and Mobile Pay Devices

There have been a number of inquiries regarding the use of third party merchant services and mobile pay devices, such as PayPal, Square and Stripe. Per Office of the President, at this time due to credit card security concerns and UC exclusive merchant services agreement with Bank of America, these credit card payment processing services...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, ORG CFAO List

iTravel Enhancements

The Accounting Office and Computing & Communications are pleased to announce improvements to the iTravel system that will be deployed this week. The new enhancements are aimed at streamlining the travel reimbursement process: Multiple Accountability Structures: Since users may be assigned iTravel roles in more than a one Accountability Structure, iTravel has been updated to...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) and David Gracey (Director of Enterprise Application Development) | | MSO Admins, Travel Coordinators User List

PIWRS Enhancements

The Accounting Office and Computing & Communications are pleased to announce several enhancements to the Principal Investigator Web Reporting System (PIWRS) based on feedback from users. The enhancements focus on improving the usability of the report features. The following highlights several of the changes: Projections Projections associated with published reports are locked-down in read-only mode...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

New Cash Handling Requirement

The IRS recently determined state colleges and universities are required to file IRS Form 8300, Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business. UC’s Office of the President (UCOP) has instructed all campuses to ensure compliance with filing IRS Form 8300. An IRS Form 8300 must be completed and filed within...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Cash Collection and Register Reconciliation System Deployment

As announced on May 15, 2013, the Cash Collection and Register Reconciliation System (CCRRS) has been deployed. This new online tool enables the electronic input, review and approval of departmental cash collection information and supporting documentation. CCRRS is successfully being used by campus departments. Therefore, as previously announced, beginning the week of July 1, 2013...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, SAA Announce Users List

New PAMIS Portal

During the past several years, the number of electronic systems supporting campus sponsored programs efforts has grown significantly. With the goal of enhancing the ease with which UCR faculty and staff access these important tools, Research and Economic Development (RED), Accounting Office, and Computing & Communications (C&C) are pleased to announce a new, streamlined method...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services & Controller), Charles E. Greer, Jr. (Associate Vice Chancellor for for Research), and David Gracey (Director of Enterprise Application Development) | | Faculty, MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List, SAA Announce Users List

New Bi-weekly Payroll Accrual Report

The Accounting Office is pleased to announce the new Bi-weekly Payroll Accrual Report. The report is available primarily for information purposes to assist with department financial projections related to the biweekly pay cycles. Since the implementation of the Bi-weekly pay cycles on January 20, 2013, the Distribution of Payroll Expense (DOPE) report includes estimates of...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

New SBS Chargeback Journal Feed

Student Business Services (SBS) is pleased to announce a new automated journal feed for “charge back” recoveries. When items are billed via the Student Information System (SIS+) and remain unpaid despite local collection efforts, the receivable is charged back to the billing department. After the debt is charged back to the department, SBS continues collection...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

Changes in Accounts Payable Matching Rules for Travel POs

The Accounting Office and Purchasing are pleased to announce an additional change in the Accounts Payable purchase order matching rules to complement the modifications implemented in April 2012. This change involves two of our largest travel related vendors, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ND (the vendor name used for Connexxus purchase orders) and YOUR TRAVEL CENTER...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services & Controller) and Russ Lewis (Director of Materiel Management) | | MSO Admins

Employer Paid Contribution/Assessment Corrections - Supplement

As outlined in my December 2013 e-mail, recent system changes to the Payroll Personnel System (PPS) related to pension benefits for new employees starting on or after July 1, 2013 caused the omission of certain employer paid assessments for this small group of employees. Two errors were discovered in November 2013 and recently a third...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Reminder: Bi-weekly Payroll Conversion and the February 1 Paycheck

As announced in previous communications, all UC campuses are converting non-exempt employees (hourly and salaried), as well as readers and tutors, to bi-weekly payroll cycles. At UCR, the bi-weekly pay conversion cycle began on January 20, 2013, for those impacted by this transition. If you are a non-exempt employee or a reader or tutor, please...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller), Katina Napper (Assistant Vice Provost Academic Personnel), and Marilyn Voce (Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources) | | Staff, MSO Admins, ANS

Student Employee Direct Deposits

To prepare for the more frequent payments associated with the bi-weekly payroll cycles, an effort is underway to automatically update the UCR Payroll System (PPS) with direct deposit banking information residing in GROWL for student employees and Federal Work-study recipients. This effort will allow student employees to update their banking information in one place (GROWL)...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins

Upcoming Payroll Related Changes

In preparation for our campus transition to the UC Path payroll and human resources system, several changes will be implemented in January 2013 as part of the UC system-wide standardization effort. Factor Leave Accrual: All non-academic employees eligible to earn vacation and sick time will begin accruing leave based on working hours in the pay...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) and Marilyn Voce (Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources) | | MSO Admins, ORG CFAO List

Tax Changes for 2013

As you may be aware from following the news, leaders in Washington, D.C. are engaged in talks about the 2013 federal income tax rates as part of the "fiscal cliff" negotiations. As of this writing, no agreement has been reached. UC processes the December payroll prior to the holiday break for payment in early January...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | Staff, Faculty, ANS, MSO Admins

Sales Tax Rate Increase Effective January 1, 2013

With the passage of Proposition 30, the State of California voters authorized a .25% increase to the sales/use tax rate. In Riverside County, the sales/use tax will increase from 7.75% to 8.00% on January 1, 2013. The increase applies to all items purchased AND sold by the University that are subject to sales tax. For...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

2012 iTravel Enhancements

As part of the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Business Operations Working Smarter initiatives, the Accounting Office is pleased to announce a streamlined approach to travel expense reimbursement processing. The Accounts Payable unit will no longer review every trip for policy compliance, but will conduct reviews using a sampling methodology based on trip criteria. Departments...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services & Controller) | | MSO Admins

New Journal Documentation System (2012)

It is my pleasure to announce a new tool providing campus financial system users with the ability to easily access back-up documentation associated with financial and budgetary journal entries prepared by the Accounting Office and Resource Planning & Budget. Examples of the types of documentation that are available in this system are source documents related...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) | | MSO Admins, UCRFS Users List

Changes in Accounts Payable Matching Rules (2012)

As part of the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Business Operations Working Smarter initiatives, the Accounting Office and Purchasing are pleased to announce a change in the Accounts Payable purchase order matching rules. To facilitate the prompt payment to vendors and maximize administrative efficiencies, modifications to the payment processing procedures will be implemented with Department...
By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services & Controller) and Russ Lewis (Director of Materiel Management) | | MSO Admins