PIWRS Enhancements

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, Ca –
The Accounting Office and Computing & Communications are pleased to announce several enhancements to the Principal Investigator Web Reporting System (PIWRS) based on feedback from users. The enhancements focus on improving the usability of the report features. The following highlights several of the changes:
  1. Projections
    1. Projections associated with published reports are locked-down in read-only mode. Users now have a link to refresh the grid to modify the next reporting period’s projections.
    2. Projections now display the Coordinator’s name and the date the projection was added to the grid.
    3. Projections are through the end of the fiscal year for appropriation type of funds. For contract and grants funds, the projections are through the employee’s PPS distribution end date.
    4. If a row in the projection has been modified, it will not automatically be overwritten each month. Updated projections are preserved from period to period.* (See pending enhancement below.)
  2. Summary Report
    1. The Financial Aid grouping (BC35) has been separated from other Direct Cost.
    2. Additional shared fund information on the Fund Header tooltip has been added.
    3. The Collaborator’s view has been enhanced.
  3. PI NetID/Name Search: Search fields have been standardized to allow searching by UCR NetID and/or name.
  4. PI Preferences
    1. Coordinators can now view a PI’s preferences in read-only mode.
    2. Corrections were made to the Collaborator’s grid.
    3. When “shared funds” are defined, the default will be to automatically display on the Summary Report.
  5. PIWRS Support Page: Support information has been expanded and improved.
  6. Annual Payroll Certification System: Post-Certification Document Uploading and Commenting: After a fund has been certified, Coordinators can upload PDF’s and add comments to the fund.

Also, a number of new features are slated for implementation in the coming months, including:

  • Accommodation for biweekly payroll and non-exempt employees in projections.
  • Non-salary projections will include both “monthly” recurring, as well as “lump sum” projections.
  • Payroll Projections that have been modified, and are out of sync with PPS, will be highlighted.*
  • A monthly summary crosstab report of Actuals with Projections will be available by fund, including projected end-of-fiscal-year totals based on a fund’s projections currently in PIWRS.
    • This will also include export functionality for further manipulation of financial scenarios by PIs and Coordinators.
  • Projections will take the fund end date into account.
  • “Title Code” will be added to Payroll Projections.

Our goal is to ensure the PIWRS is a robust reporting tool addressing the PI and department financial management needs within a user friendly interface. Please submit suggestions for improvements and feedback on the current features to piwrsfeedback@ucr.edu. For further information and training on the use of PIWRS, please reference http://cnc.ucr.edu/piwrs/.