The table below provides an overview of UC Riverside’s financial reporting tools and reports, including descriptions and access instructions for each platform. It highlights how each report assists with different financial tasks.
Data Source: Banner
Function: Student Receivables
Navigation: iReport > General Operating Reports > SIS Monthly Activity
Report Name Description Banner Billing Receivables - Outstanding Lists charges that are still outstanding and have not been paid by account, detail code, amount, and date billed. Departments should review these accounts. Banner Billing Receivables - New Activity Shows current month’s activity that was billed by the department. Departments should review and compare to general ledger to ensure that all charges billed on Banner Billing Receivables - Recently Paid Lists bills that were paid that month by account, charge billed, and amount. Course Material Fees Rate Tables Lists Course material fees by Quarter for each College, Subject, Course, COA value that will be billed. Generated Fall - Aug 1, Winter - Nov 1, Spring - Feb. 1, and Summer June 1 Course Material Fee Reconciliation Lists all Course material fees Assessed by quarter, College, Subject, Course, COA value, and students. Generated at 3rd week each quarter. Dept Chargeback Report Lists accounts and charges by bill type and department that will chargedback (reversed) and not collected.
Data Source: Concur
Function: Travel and Expense
Navigation: iReport > General Operating Reports > Concur Departmental Reports
Report Name Description Card Aging This monthly Concur report displays all outstanding charges older than 30 days from the charge date for PCard and T&E Cardholders, as well as Prepaid-Ghost Card charges processed through Anthony Travel. It includes both assigned and unassigned transactions within Expense Reports.
The report provides a detailed view of aging card transactions, highlighting charges not yet assigned to an Expense Report and the status of transactions that have been assigned.
Concur Approved Cards This report gives a weekly output of the approved Card Type (T&E Card or PCard) by department. This includes legacy PCard holders, the last four card numbers, the Name on Card, Card Provider status (Account Cancelled, Account Active, etc.), and more!
Concur Expense Allocation Details A monthly report that displays Concur Expense Reports categorized by month and department, showing their status as pending, submitted, or completed (paid). The report also includes distribution and allocation details. Concur Expense Details This report provides a daily overview of all submitted and completed (paid) Concur Expense Reports by department. It enhances visibility for department support teams, allowing them to track the status of expense reports associated with their unit. Concur PCard Expense Details This report shows Concur PCard expense details. -
Financials Web Reports
Data Source: Oracle Budget & Financials
Function: Pre-run Monthly Financial Reports
Navigation: Financials Web Reports
Report Name Description Financial Transaction Detail Reports This is the official departmental general ledger. Departmental ledgers reconciliations must be based on this report. This report provides detailed transactional information on the Budget, Actuals and Encumbrance ledgers for a given COA combination with subtotals at the Budget Category level. Prime PI Summary Reports Provides Summary (project level) and detail (expenditure category level) budgets commitments and expenses with views by Principal Investigator or Department.*
*Available as a pre-run report in September. Users can run the report in Oracle Financials, under Reports and Analytics, until the report is published on a monthly basis.PO Encumbrance Reports Provides PO encumbrance balances by PO, supplier, and COA. -
Oracle Budget
Report Name Description Activity Summary for Expenses This report compares budgeted expenses to actual expenditures for activities within your organizational structure. Activity Summary for Expenses Multiple Selection This report compares budgeted expenses to actual expenditures for activities within your organizational structure, with the option to select multiple activities. Activity Summary for Expenses with Flex Detail This report displays expense budget to actuals for activities within your org structure with the option to filter by Flex codes. Activity Summary for Revenue and Expense with Flex Details This report provides detailed information on both revenue and expense budgets compared to actuals, categorized by activity, using Flex Detail. You will see the specific revenue that you manage and own. Budget Model Values This report lists the Chart of Accounts (COAs) for which the budget office has made adjustments in the budget model column across three scenarios: temporary budget, permanent budget, and target budget. The values should correspond with the backup provided by the budget office. Budget Process- Perm Budget This report displays the Chart of Accounts (COAs) with permanent (PERM) budgets according to the budget process PERM budget projection form. We are using a snapshot of the FY24 PERM budget as the base, so the reports will show at least that value plus any projections. Faculty Non-Project Portfolio Report This report is based on the Flex 2 dimension. It provides an overview of Faculty balances by Fund. Budget Process- Temp Budget This report lists the Chart of Accounts (COAs) for which you have entered credit and debit entries in the direct input TEMP budget process form. This will distribute budget rollover in the new year and activate COAs. Budget Requests Report This report displays the Chart of Accounts (COAs) impacted by approved budget requests in execution, distinguishing between temporary (TEMP) and permanent (PERM) allocations. The details of the budget requests that make up these numbers must be reviewed in the Budget Request for BE module; this report only shows the amounts. Budget Requests Report by Fund This report displays the Chart of Accounts (COAs) impacted by approved budget requests in execution, distinguishing between temporary (TEMP) and permanent (PERM) allocations. The details of the budget requests that make up these numbers must be reviewed in the Budget Request for BE module; this report only shows the amounts. Additionally, this report allows sorting by FUND. Carryfoward Report* This report displays a three-year view of rollover data by organization and department fund group details. Defecit Analysis Report by Project Number This report presents detailed budget values for COAs where the total sum of BCs reflects a deficit, organized by project number. Defecit Analysis Report with Flex Detail This report provides a comprehensive overview of budget values and subtotals for COAs across all combined BCs. It identifies deficit COAs by highlighting the subtotal in red when the total sum of all BCs is in deficit, allowing for further analysis through flex detail drilling. Flex 2 - Faculty Non Project Portfolio Report This report showcases all available funds categorized by Principal Investigator (PI) or Flex2 code, specifically excluding those allocated to projects (non-contract and grant-related). Flex1 Summary Report This report illustrates the available budgets and expenditures associated with a specified Flex1 field. Foundation Transfers by Month This report provides a listing of COAs affected in the TEMP budget due to revenue from UCR Foundation gifts and endowments, categorized by the month when the revenue was loaded. Function Summary by Expense Report This report presents a summary-level comparison of budgeted amounts to actual expenditures, organized by function-program combinations. Function Summary by Expense Report with Flex Detail This report provides a summary-level comparison of budgeted amounts to actual expenditures, categorized by function-program combinations, with the option to drill down into flex details for further analysis. Fund Summary by Activity and Function Program This report offers a subtotal by fund of both budgeted and actual revenue and expenses, with the flexibility to specify activity and function-program parameters for detailed analysis. Fund Summary Expandable This report provides a subtotal by fund for both budgeted and actual revenue and expenses, with the capability to expand the details in HTML format for enhanced readability and analysis. Fund Summary Report This report presents a fund-level subtotal of both budgeted and actual revenue and expenses. Fund Summary Report with Flex Details This report provides a subtotal by fund of both budgeted and actual revenue and expenses, with the option to delve into flex details for further analysis. Grad Financial Aid Values by Month This report lists the COAs affected by TEMP or PERM interlocation transfers approved by UCOP. The breakdown is categorized by the month when the Interlocation Transfer Form (ITF) was loaded. ITF Values by Month This report lists the COAs affected by TEMP or PERM interlocation transfers approved by UCOP. The breakdown is categorized by the month when the Interlocation Transfer Form (ITF) was loaded. PERM benefit transfers This report showcases all PERM budget allocated to benefit Budget Codes (BCs) for the five core funds utilized in CBR mitigation. It delineates the sources of the PERM budget, including July 1 PERM, Intra-Org Adjustment, Budget Model transfers, and other relevant categories. Perm Core Benefits Report (19900, 19912, 19924, 19942, 67000) This report provides an overview of the total PERM budget alongside its detailed breakdown. Its purpose is to allow units to review all PERM budget allocated to benefit Budget Codes (BCs) for the five core funds used in CBR mitigation. Project Financials Analysis Report This report presents all projects within a specified organizational view, accompanied by Budget to Actual details and subtotals for each project. Regent Gift Values by Month This report lists the COAs affected in the TEMP budget due to revenue approved via the gift acceptance system. It categorizes the impact based on the month when the revenue was loaded. Staffing Detail Report This report showcases a unit's total PERM-budgeted Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) and salaries by Cost Object Account (COA), including position details. Staffing Detail Report by Job Code This report provides a unit's total PERM-budgeted Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) and salaries by Cost Object Account (COA), including position details, with subtotals by Job Code. Staffing Employee Summary Report This report presents the FTE distributions for a single employee. Staffing Summary Report This report presents summarized BDP data, including Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) and salaries, categorized by Cost Object Account (COA) for both filled and vacant positions. It contrasts this data against total financial execution budgets by COA to identify any imbalances. Variance Report for Expense This report offers a high-level overview of the total variance between the General Ledger (GL) working budget and actuals for expense Budget Codes (BCs), without including flex details. Variance Report for Expense with Flex Details This report provides a high-level overview of the total variance between the General Ledger (GL) working budget and actuals for expense Budget Codes (BCs), including flex details. Variance Report for Expense-Expandable This report presents a high-level overview of the total variance between the General Ledger (GL) working budget and actuals for expense Budget Codes (BCs), with the added option to view it in HTML format. Variance Report for Revenue This report provides a high-level overview of the total variance between the General Ledger (GL) working budget and actuals for revenue Budget Codes (BCs), excluding flex details. Variance Report for Revenue-Expandable This report offers a high-level overview of the total variance between the General Ledger (GL) working budget and actuals for revenue Budget Codes (BCs), without including flex details. It also provides the option to view the report in HTML format. PERM Budget Column Breakdown This report shows all PERM budget for a given POV sorted by type of adjustment. TEMP Budget Column Breakdown This report shows all TEMP budget for a given POV sorted by type of adjustment. -
Oracle Financials
Report Name Description Central Office / Department Use Award Projects Aging Report
(Email Notification)Provides a list of awards and projects that are expired will be expiring within the number of days selected. This will also be scheduled to notify department analysts and PI’s of awards expired, expiring in 60 or expiring in 90 days - Changes in Budget and
Award Status Report
(Email Notification)Scheduled daily to notify department analysts, plant manager, central accounting of awards approved and budgeted or where a budget was updated. - Expense Detail Report Provides the details of all expenses incurred by award organization/PI - UCR AP Interface Rejection Report This report contains no filters.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Accounts Payable/BI
Central Office UCR AP Report for Invoices This report contains filters for Invoice Creation from and to dates, Owning Department, Payables Specialist, Invoice Source, Supplier name, and Supplier Number.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Accounts Payable/BI
Central Office UCR Concur AP Consolidation Report This report contains filters for invoice from and to dates.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Accounts Payable/BI
Central Office UCR Department Report for AP Invoices This report contains filters for invoice creation from and to dates, owning department, payables specialist, invoice source, invoice number, supplier number, and supplier name.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Accounts Payable/BI
Department UCR Invoice Approval Rejection Report This report contains filters for Invoice From and To Dates, Invoice Number, Supplier Number, and Supplier Name.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Accounts Payable/BI
Central Office UCR Invoice Audit Listing Report This report contains filters for Payables Specialist, Supplier Number, and Supplier Name.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Accounts Payable/BI
Central Office UCR AR Aging Report This reports contains filters for Receipts (Y/N), Targeted Currency, Customer Class, Business Unit, PI Name and Department, From and To Customer Name, as-of accounting date, and Aging Bucket.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Accounts Receivable/BI
Department Equipment/Capital Expenditure report This report contains filters for accounting year and COA values.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/Fixed Assets/OTBI
Central Office UCR Balance Sheet Transaction Details Report This report contains filters for the fiscal year, accounting period, account, entity, fund code, activity, and function.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/General Ledger/BI
Central Office UCR BE-125 Report This report contains filters for Payment Start and End dates.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/General Ledger/BI
Central Office UCR Current Fund Expenditures by Department Detail Report This report contains filters for the fiscal year, accounting period, and entity.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/General Ledger/BI
Department UCR Current Fund Expenditures by Department Summary Report This report contains filters for the fiscal year, accounting period and entity.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/General Ledger/BI
Department UCR Financial Transaction Detail Report This report contains filters for the fiscal year, accounting period, entity, activity, function project, fund code, account, and program.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/General Ledger/BI
Department UCR Journal Batch ID with Lines This report contains filters for the accounting period name and journal user source name.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Financials/General Ledger/OTBI
Department UCR Agency Financial Report This report contains filters for award number, to date, direct questions to name, interim or final, and direction questions to contact email.
Central Office UCR Awards - Projects Aging Report This report contains filters for award number, to date, interim or final, questions to name, and direct questions to contact email.
Department UCR Cash Balance Report This report contains filters for interest rate, fiscal year and quarter.
Central Office UCR Commitment Details Report This report contains filters for award organization, award number and project number.
Department UCR DrawDown Report This report contains filters for sponsor name, PI name, award from and to, project number from and to, expenditure date from and to, and invoice status.
Department UCR ITD Cumulative Report This PPM Inception to Date (ITD) report contains filters for award number and as of date accounting period.
Department UCR Month End Exception Report This report contains filters from project number from and to, task number from and to, contract number from and to, transaction source from and to, and document entry from and to.
Department UCR PGM Capital Drawdown Report This report contains filters for creation from and to dates, project number, award number, sponsor name, transaction source, and funding source number from and to.
Central Office UCR PPM Awards IDC Listing Report This report contains filters for award number and award owning organization.
Department UCR PPM Cost Transfer Report This report contains filters for from and to posted date, award number, and project owning organization.
Department UCR PPM Expenditure Type - GL Account Discrepancy Report This report runs no filters.
Central Office UCR PPM Expense Detail Report This report contains filters for accounting period from and to, project number from and to, award number from and to, transaction source, supplier name, invoicing status, award organization, PI/Project manager, billable items, and prime pi.
Department UCR PPM Expense GL Recon Report This report contains filters for fiscal year, project number, and award number.
Central Office UCR PPM Prime PI Summary Report This report contains filters for award organization, Prime PI, and accounting period.
Department UCR PPM Revenue-GL Recon Report This report contains filters for period from and to, contract from and to, and project from and to.
Central Office UCR Project Related Fund Reservations Holds This report doesn't contain any filters.
Department UCR_PPM_Contract_Dep_REP This report contains a filter for department number.
Central Office UCR Budget to Actuals Report This report contains filters for award number and project number.
Department UCR Cost Detail for Billing Review This report contains filters for project accounting date, award type, sponsor between.
Department UCR Cost Reimbursable Invoices detail by revenue category and invoice status This report contains filters for award type and sponsor between.
Central Office UCR Event Based Invoices This report contains filters for sponsor between and award type.
Department UCR Financial Reporting Requirements Report This report contains a filter for month.
Central Office UCR PPM Award Funding and Budget Details by Budget Year This report contains a filter for award number.
Department UCR PPM Award Bill with Details This report does not contain filters.
Central Office UCR PPM Projects with Fund Reference This report does not contain filters.
Department UCR Capitalization - Budget to Actuals Report This report contains filters for accounting period name, project status, and project organization.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Projects/OTBI/Capitalization Reports
Central Office UCR Capitalization - Costs Pending Capitalization This report contains a filter for accounting date to <=.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Projects/OTBI/Capitalization Reports
Central Office AAC Conflict Results /shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Risk Management Central Office Central Office Supplier_Payee Operational Report This report contains filters for supplier/payee name and number.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Central Office ePay and Guest Traveler Supplier API Exception Report This report contains filters for supplier/payee name and number.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Central Office Prospective Supplier_Payee Status Summary Report (Department) This report contains filters for Supplier/Payee name and number.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Department UCR Agreement Usage Report This report contains filters for Procurement BU, Supplier, Buyer, Agreement, Status, Date from, Date to, and include closed documents.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Central Office UCR AP Transcepta Exception Report This report contains filters for invoice date from and to.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Central Office UCR Campus Procure-to-Pay Report This report includes filters for supplier, supplier site, PO agreement from and to, Requisition creation date from and to, receiver, requisitioner, requisition number from and to, requisition status, requisition project number, requisition fund number, requisition activity, PO category from and to, buyer, and owning department.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Department UCR PO Encumbrance Report This report includes filters for business unit, organization, division, department, and activity code.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Department UCR Purchase Order Detail Report This report includes filters for owning department, purchase order from date, and purchase order to date.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Department UCR Requisition and PO Approval Rejection Report This report includes filters for the PO/Requisition number, rejection date from, and rejection date to.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Department UCR Supplier Business Classification Report This report includes filters for business unit, supplier status, supplier name, supplier number, business classification, expiration date from, and expiration date to.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Department UCR Supplier Registration Status Summary Report This report includes a "requested by" filter.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/BI
Department UCR Supplier Master OTBI Report This report includes filters for the supplier number, name, supplier type and creation source.
/shared/Custom/UCR/Reports/Supply Chain/Procurement/OTBI
Central Office -
Structure: Looker is a reporting tool that contains multiple data sets. It can be used to filter, sort, analyze, and export data.
Resources: eLearning, Guide, and Looker Data FlowsData Source Description Finance Contains information that was previously in UCRFSTotals Payroll Distribution Contains information that was previously in SuperDope