UCPath Implementation and Impact on Connexxus Travel

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, Ca –

As you may be aware, in December, UCR will be transitioning to UCPath (the UC centralized system for payroll, benefits and HR information system - see http://fomucpath.ucr.edu/ for additional information). Employee information is shared with our Enterprise Access Control System (EACS), UCRFS vendor database, and iTravel Travel Profiles. This information is used to create Connexxus Travel Profiles. It is anticipated the transition to UCPath will have a minimal impact on existing travelers and travel coordinators. However, with the UCPath conversion activities, there will be some intermittent disruption in sending information on new employee travelers and modifications to existing employee travelers (such as name changes) to the various systems from December 6, 2017 through January 8, 2018.

As a travel coordinator, if there is a need to book business travel for new employees and/or employees with recent name changes not reflected in Connexxus, please contact travelfeedback@ucr.edu for available options to book travel. Although minimal disruptions are expected, it was important to make you aware of the possible impacts on booking travel through Connexxus.