UCPath Related Salary Cost Transfers

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, Ca –

Please find revised guidance to this email at this link (as of 3/20/2018).

UCR's Salary Cost Transfer Request System is currently under development and is planned for deployment in late March. Departmental requests for UCPath related salary cost transfers should be held until the system is deployed. To assist with tracking necessary salary cost transfers and facilitate processing once the request system is available, a template (filename: SCT Tracking Template) is attached for your convenience. This information may also be useful to share with your unit's contract and grant analyst(s), so pending salary cost transfers can be noted on related PI reports.

In order to accommodate requests for urgent and time sensitive transactions, an interim exceptional manual process has been developed for UCPath related salaries. These requests should be limited to salary cost transfers related to an expired contract and grant fund where a final financial report is due; requests not meeting this criterion will be returned and should be submitted using the SCT Request System when deployed. Please use the following procedures to request time sensitive and urgent salary cost transfers:

  1. Complete the attached form (filename: Urgent SCT Manual Request Form) and obtain the appropriate PI and FAO's approval. Transaction that must be reflected in the February ledgers are due on 2/27/18 by 5pm. Requests received after this deadline will be reflected on the March ledgers.
  2. Prepare a SuperDOPE Query with the data elements noted in the attached sample as supporting documentation (filename: Example SDOPE Query for SCT Backup).
  3. Send completed form and supporting SuperDOPE output to emf@ucr.edu using the subject line "Urgent SCT". Request meeting the above requirements will be processed by the Accounting Office.

Thank you for your continued patience as the campus completes our systems development related to the UCPath transition. Questions should be directed to ucrfsfeedback@ucr.edu.

Attachments: SCT Tracking Template; Urgent SCT Manual Request Form; Example SDOPE Query for SCT Backup