UCPath Change to General Ledger Transactions for Retroactive Leave

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, CA –

Dear Colleagues,

The Accounting Office is pleased to announce a change in UCPath methodology that should better align leave to the Full Accounting Unit (FAU) in the general ledger for monthly paid employees. Beginning with the January ledgers, retroactive leave will be processed using the FAU distributions associated with the original earnings period, inclusive of Salary Cost Transfers.

The majority of UC campuses supported this change to better reflect leave adjustments against funding distributions. While this new modification to UCPath will allow prior funding distributions to be utilized in the system for retroactive leave action, the change primarily impacts leave reported in arrears (e.g. monthly paid employees reporting leave, other retroactive leave adjustments) where the FAU has changed.

To assist with understanding how this change will impact the general ledger, the following example is provided to outline the change for ledger reconciliation and budgeting purposes. As a reminder, under UCPath, all monthly employees report leave taken one month in arrears.

Scenario: An employee’s regular monthly salary is $3,100. In February, their timesheet is submitted with vacation leave for January 4 and January 5. Additionally in this scenario, the employee’s position funding changed on February 1 from FAU1 to FAU2.

Under the old process, the employee’s monthly salary and reported vacation leave would be reflected in the GL and SuperDOPE as follows:

Earn Code FAU Amount Earnings Period
REG FAU 2 $3,100 February
REG FAU 2 ($100) January
VAC FAU 2 $ 100 January

With the modifications that will go into effect with the January ledgers, the salary and vacation taken will be reflected in the GL and SuperDOPE as follows:

Earn Code FAU Amount Earnings Period
REG FAU 2 $3,100 February
REG FAU 1 ($100) January
VAC FAU 1 $100 January

It is important to note, this change affects only monthly employees, the general ledger and SuperDOPE transactions will not change for biweekly employees.

Please direct questions about this change to ucrfsfeedback@ucr.edu using “UCPATH GL-Retroactive Leave” in the subject line.


Bobbi McCracken

Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller

Business & Financial Services

