Procurement Card Cost Transfer Enhancements

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, CA –

Dear Colleagues,


Business & Financial Services and Information Technology Solutions are pleased to announce enhancements to the Procurement Card (PCard) Cost Transfer (PCT) process.  Based on user feedback, the enhancements are intended to improve the user experience and facilitate the redistribution of PCard expenditures to appropriate Full Accounting Units (FAUs) while maintain essential business rules and tracking.  As demonstrated at the March UCRFS User Group meeting, the enhancements are as follows:


  1. Ability to select multiple transactions within a single “PRO” journal for transfer.
  2. Ability to easily add offset rows for each transaction.
  3. Ability to easily specify offset FAU values.
  4. Use Tax related:
    1. Ability for department users to reverse erroneous “Use Tax” accruals.  Note: supporting documentation must be uploaded into the Journal Documentation System and will be audited by Accounts Payable.
    2. Beginning, 4/20/2020, PRO journals will now display the original transaction Journal Line Reference so related transaction can be easily identified.  Note:  “UT” will be displayed as the last characters in the Journal Line Description. This enhancement will allow campus users to more easily track the original PRO transaction and subsequent PCTs. 

These changes are now available in UCRFS.  Please review the attached guide on using the enhanced features of the PCT.  Questions should be directed to using the subject line “PCT Enhancement”.


Attachment: Procurement Card Cost Transfer Enhancement Guide April 2020



Bobbi McCracken

Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller

Business & Financial Services
