UCPath GL-Related: Summer Salaries and Position Funding-Action May Be Required

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, Ca –

As you may be aware, June was the first pay period under UCPath where there were significant Summer Salary transactions (i.e. academic appointees summer research, summer administrative service, and/or summer session teaching).  These transactions revealed the follow general ledger related issues: 1) charges to incorrect FAUs, and 2) the incorrect application of the Composite Benefit Rate (CBR). 

To address summer salaries charges to the incorrect FAU, the following actions are requested of departments:

  1. If the Summer Salaries should not be charged to the employee “normal” FAU (e.g. the “blank” earn code), please submit a ServiceLink-FAU Change Request and add a specific FAU distribution to the employee’s position for their Summer Salary Earn Code; please note the most common Summery Salary Earn Code is “ACR”.  To avoid future charges to the incorrect FAU, this action should be taken and approved in the ServiceLink FAU Change Request Tool by 7/25/18. For your convenience a listing of Summer Salary Earn Codes is attached.  Please direct questions regarding Summer Salary Earn Codes to Academic Personnel. 
  2. For salaries charged to an incorrect FAU, please prepare a ServiceLink-Salary Cost Transfer Request.

For Summer Salaries assessed the incorrect CBR rate, the following actions are in progress:

  • The UCPath logic for determine CBR rate is being modified with the goal of having the required modifications in place for the July salary charges
  • A journal to correct the majority of June Summer Salary CBR charges has been prepared and should post this evening into the June ledgers. The Accounting Office is still evaluating a small number of transactions and will be preparing correcting journal entries for the July ledgers.
  • Modifications to SuperDOPE are in progress to display the CBR charges.  Note: the corrections to June referenced above will only be reflected in UCRFS and not SuperDOPE as the corrections were processed via manual journal entries.

Thank you for your patience as the campus works through these many “firsts” in UCPath. I apologize any inconvenience caused by this situation.  Please direct questions about this guidance to ucrfsfeedback@ucr.edu.

Attachments: Summer Salary EARN Codes List 7-21-18