Riverside, Ca –
Thank you for all of your continued partnership and feedback on the general ledger-UCPath related systems and processes. The information provided below contains important updates for fiscal closing.
FAU Change Request
- In preparation for the 7/1 roll forward funding (new process in UCPath), the requests input into the FAU Change Request Tool will be temporarily suspend uploads from 6/29-7/1 to allow the UCPath Center to complete their processes.
- The FAU Change Request status is reflecting some false “pending” statuses on transactions that have been successfully uploaded. The BFS project team is working with ITS and UCPath to determine the cause of the delays in reflecting the correct status.
ServiceLink Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) Request Tool
- The cut-off date to ensure SCT Requests are processed for the preliminary ledgers was 6/22/18 for simple requests and 6/25/18 for complex requests using the manual form. Requests via the SCT Tool can continue to be submitted and will be processed for the preliminary ledger as time permits, otherwise, the transfers will be processed for the July ledgers.
- For FY2019, complex functionality will be incorporated into the SCT tool. More news to come once this feature is available.
- Payroll Transactions on Department Default Funding. For FY2018, the BFS team and Shared Services Centers continue to prepare corrections for payroll transactions recorded against the department default funding. To avoid additional salary charges to the default funding, please utilized the FAU Request Tool to search for positions associated with fund 69993 and prepare a request to update the FAU. Beginning FY2019, transactions posted to fund 69993 will need to be cleared by departments using the SCT Request Tool.
- There is a minor issue related to benefits associated with some of the early salary cost transfers transactions related to fund 69993 (i.e. Feb, March, April) resulting in an out of balance between UCRFS and SuperDOPE; efforts are underway to prepare journals to correct UCRFS.
- Terminal vacation offsets are now reflected in SuperDOPE.
- Other minor enhancements to improve the SuperDOPE user experience continue to be implemented.
Graduate Student Fees
- The Winter Quarter reconciliation and journal corrections were processed in June. Since these corrections were not processed via UCPath, please note these corrections will only be reflected in UCRFS and not the SuperDOPE details.
- The permanent fix to redirect of benefit charges in Workstudy fund 23499 to the primary fund source is still in progress. Erroneous benefit expenses will be manually journaled and reflected on the June Preliminary ledgers.
- Workstudy splits. Salary expenses that were not appropriate split between the department funding and workstudy funds are related to coding errors in UCPath. An approach to efficiently and effectively process these corrections is being finalized; additional information will be forthcoming.
- Journal frequency. Some improvements have been made to regarding the frequency of journal feeds from UCPath for posting to UCRFS and SuperDOPE. However, efforts continue to improve timing.
Questions about this announcement should be directed to ucrfsfeedback@ucr.edu