Financial Services Move to IntelliCenter Building

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, Ca –

As Vice Chancellor Coley mentioned in his 3/16/2015 BAS Organizational Realignments Announcement, several of the Financial Services departments (i.e., Accounting Office, Purchasing, Business Contracts, and Equipment Management) will be relocating to the IntelliCenter (aka, the UC Path Building) located at 14350 Meridian Parkway, Riverside, CA 92508*. Our phone numbers will remain the same.

  • Accounts Payable, Purchasing, Equipment Management and Business Contracts relocated on Friday, 4/3/15.
  • Extramural Funds, General Accounting, Treasury, and Payroll will relocate on Wednesday, 4/8/15.
  • Student Business Services and Cashiers will remain in the Student Services Building.

Although efforts are being made to minimize impact to the campus, there may be limited disruptions in services during the move.

*Please note: the Meridian address should only be used for physical deliveries (e.g. FedEx, UPS). US Mail and intercampus mail should continue to be directed to: University of California at Riverside, [Accounting Office, Purchasing, Business Contracts or Equipment Management], Riverside, CA 92521.

The IntelliCenter building is located approximately six miles from campus. The building security requires all visitors to be registered to access the building. Therefore, we encourage the campus to utilize Mail Services’ messengering when it is essential for documents to be dropped off and/or picked up on the same day.

In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to remind the campus community of the following best practices:

  1. Prior to traveling to the IntelliCenter, please examine your business needs/processes and assess if there is an alternative method to accomplish the business requirements (e.g. Mail Services’ messengering, FedEx delivery, conference call, Skype meeting). If it is determined that a physical visit is essential, please be sure to coordinate with the appropriate individual in advance so access to the building can be arranged.  Also, any travel to/from the IntelliCenter that is requested for reimbursement must be supported with the appropriate mileage logs documenting the dates of travel and the business purpose of the trip; reimbursements should be accumulated and processed monthly.
  2. Vendor invoices should be sent directly to the Accounting Office (University of California at Riverside, Accounting Office-002, Riverside, CA 92521) by the vendor to avoid delays in processing.
  3. Check payments should be sent directly to the Cashiers Office (University of California at Riverside, Cashiers, Riverside, CA 92521) to ensure the prompt deposit of payments.

Thanks in advance for your patience during this transition. Please contact me directly at ( ) with questions and/or concerns.