Request for TARS Enhancements

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) and David Gracey (Director of Enterprise Application Development) |
Riverside, Ca –

As you are aware, the Time & Attendance Reporting System (TARS) is used across campus for the most exempt and non-exempt employee time reporting. With the biweekly payroll implementation in January 2013, several suggestions for improvements were received from campus TARS users. Over this last year, many of these requests have been acted upon and deployed, such as:

  • Enhanced Secondary Supervisors and Secondary DTAA functionality
  • Automated calculation of overtime based by collective bargaining agreement type
  • Automated calculation of holiday hours for non-exempt staff based on UC policy
  • Improved shift differential calculation logic
  • Enhanced search and reporting features
  • Enhanced DTAA grids
  • Expanded functionality for DTAA to update student’s supervisor information
  • In addition, the TARS to PPS Reconciliation report is currently being piloted and will be deployed to the campus in the coming weeks.

To prepare for the UC Path future state, feedback is now being solicited for suggested improvements to TARS that will help eliminate the manual entry of time into the PPS rosters.  Please note our current project plan does include academic employees subject to time reporting. Any other feedback on enhancing the efficiency of TARS is also welcome. Your input is important. Please send suggestions and comments to by 2/26/2014.

Based on the input received, a TARS workgroup will be formed to prioritize suggestions and develop specifications for the next round of enhancements.