Updated Travel Regulations Policy BFB G-28

By Bobbi McCracken (Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Services and Controller) |
Riverside, Ca –

The UC Office of the President (UCOP) recently updated Business & Finance Bulletin G-28, Travel Regulations. The modifications to the policy were based on a request from the California State Auditor. For your convenience, a summary of the updates are listed below along with guidance on exceptions. These changes are effective 1/1/2014.

  • A traveler must be at least forty miles from the headquarters or home, whichever is closer, to be reimbursed for an overnight stay. This is regardless of the length of the business trip (reference section V.E.1.a).
    • Any request for an exception must document the circumstances and need for the exception. When an exception has been approved, expenses will only be reimbursed to the extent of actual costs incurred, provided such costs are deemed to be ordinary and necessary under the circumstances.
  • For foreign travel under 30 days, travelers should only claim actual meals, incidental and lodging up to the maximum of the local per diem.
    • If actual expenses are greater than the local per diem due to special or unusual circumstances, the traveler must provide: a) a written explanation of the special circumstance and b) receipts to support the expenditures. Please note the amount reimbursed under the special circumstances exception may not exceed 300% of the applicable federal rate established for the location of travel (reference section V.E.2.b.i and Appendix B).

In addition, the changes to mileage reimbursement rates, previously announced via the MSOADM Scotmail on 1/8/14, were incorporated into the policy.

  • Reimbursement rate for business mileage associated with a private automobile will decrease from 56.5 cents per mile to 56 cents per mile;
  • Reimbursement rate for travel associated with a move or relocation will decrease from 24 cents per mile to 23.5 cents per mile; and
  • Standard rate for reimbursement of business miles associated with an automobile loaned to the University for assignment to employees will increase from 33.5 cents per mile to 34 cents per mile.

Please ensure your department travel coordinators are informed of these policy changes. The complete UC travel regulation is available at: http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3420365/BFB-G-28.

Questions on travel policy should be directed to travelfeedback@ucr.edu.